Friday, November 5, 2010

What a great gift // 誠大 ê 禮物

下晡有人挵門, khǹg 1-ê 箱á 佇門跤口. 箱á 是 UPS Ground 服務送來 ê. 因為誠大 koh 不止á 重, 我 koh 掠準有人寄烘爐來予我 leh.
Someone knocked on the door in the afternoon and left a huge box there. The box is sent by UPS Ground. It's so huge and quite heavy that I thought someone sent me an oven.

我 chiah 發現, 這 kha 夭壽大 ê 包裹原來是我進前 bat 講過 ê 出版社寄來 ê. 敢會記得我較早 bat 講着 ê, 邀請我成做會員 ê 英國出版社? 路尾我選 ê 新會員禮物是 "古時 ê 帝國". 另外 koh 有一組 in 講免費欲予所有新加入 ê 人 ê 辭典 kap 仝字意辭書.
Finally I realized that the package is from the publisher I mentioned. Remember that I talked about a British publisher that invited me to join their society? In the end I decided to choose "Empires of the Ancient World" for the gift of my new membership. And also, I got a free set of Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus as they promised for every newcomers.

[caption id="attachment_46" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kó͘sî ê Tēkok (Empires of the Ancient World)"]Sin chheh 2[/caption]

Aniâ oĕh... 我想我無可能總讀, 雖bóng 伊真正會和盤 -- 我 lóng總付 ê 會費猶無 20 箍. 其它 lóng 免錢.
By Jove... I don't think I have any chance to read them all, though it's undoubtedly a real bargain -- all I paid is less than 20 bucks for my membership. Free for the rest.

[caption id="attachment_45" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Siutio̍h chhutpán siā ê sin chheh (Got the new books from the publisher)"]Sin chheh 1[/caption]

我 mā teh 想出版社到底發生啥物事. 定着是市場誠敗市 chiah 會遮爾好空. 我兩禮拜進前 chiah 提着 LA 時報另外 1-ê 和盤 ê 機會 -- 訂 LA 時報 12 禮拜 12 箍, koh 送 10 箍銀 In-N-Out 禮金卡.
I wonder what happened to the publishing industry. They're certainly under a great depression to offer all of these. I just got another offer, also an economical one, from LA Times two weeks ago -- 12 dollars for LA Times for 12 weeks, and a 10-dollars gift card of In-N-Out as a gift.

Taⁿ m̄知影愛偌爾á 拍拚 chiah 會當 kā 遮ê 總吞落去. Mài 講 che 猶是會員 taⁿá 開始爾爾. 我敢猶有氣力 koh 訂 in 其它出版物? 我知影 in 有一寡介贊 ê, 親像歸套 Harry Potter, Christie 探偵小說, 柳樹林內 ê 風...
Can't imagine what kind of diligence I need to finish devouring all of these. Not to mention that it's only the dawn of the membership. Would I still be vigorous to order any of their publications? I know they have really great ones like the Harry Potter series, the detective novels of Christie, and classics such as The Wind in the Willow...

無論如何, 祝我順利. 另外, 愛讀冊 ê 人, lóng 歡迎來借冊抑是新聞. :)
Anyway, wish me luck. By the way, everyone is welcome to borrow the book or the newspapers if one loves to read. :)

Phokgoân @Pasadena,
Cha̍pitgoe̍h c5, 2010

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