這站á 我定定走去 Starbucks. 大部分 ê 服務員 lóng 已經沓沓á kap 我熟識. M̄koh 一寡人猶記 bē 牢我 ê 名, 包括我今á 日拄着 ê 服務員 mā 是.
I go to Starbucks quite often recently. Most of the servers there tend to recognize me right now. Some of them, however, still don't remember my name, and neither does the one who served me today.
[caption id="attachment_38" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Goáê miâ (My name)"][/caption]
伊這 pái 無問我 ê 名, 我 koh 想伊是已經記起來 ah. 結果我看着我杯á 頂面 ê 名 --
He didn't ask for my name this time, I thought he memorized it. Then I saw my name on the cup --
Hmmmh, 我開始 teh 憢疑我 lóng 予人啥物款印象 ah. :P
Well, I'm wondering about what kind of impressions I made on people now. :P
Phokgoân @Pasadena,
Cha̍pitgoe̍h c5, 2010
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